
Traditional celebrations
in Gemona del Friuli:
the calendar, month by month.

event24 Jan 2025
  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. November
  10. December


The arrival of the Three Kings and the lighting of the epiphany bonfire


The year begins with a living representation of the arrival of the Three Kings and the adoration of the Baby Jesus (played by a local baby), followed by the lighting of the Epiphany bonfire and predictions for the year to come. The event is organised by the Taboga13 Association.


Saint Valentine's Day


The traditional celebrations on Saint Valentine’s Day feature plenty of food and wine and a carnival for revellers of all ages. Then there are musical evenings, the Marcialonga di San Valentino, special church services and a Valentine’s Day Tombola, as well as a number of competitions. The event is organised by Godo Social and Cultural Centre.


Festival of our Lady of Annunciation


Liturgical celebrations alternate with evenings for youth. Plus there’s a traditional tombola, dancing, and booths laden with special foods. As well as trump tournaments for card-players!
The event is organised by the Taboga13 Association.


Saint Mark's Day


On April 25 the hamlet of Campolessi celebrates feast of Saint Mark with plenty of events and activities. Music and dancing of all kinds, food and wine, tournaments and sporting events, including a fishing contest for children and teens. Plus theatrical performances and children's entertainment, church services and other related events. The celebrations spill over into the days before and after Saint Mark's day. The event is organised by the Cultural and Recreational Circle of Campolessi.


Celebrations of Saint Joseph the carpenter and the first of may


The first of May and Saint Joseph’s day are celebrated by young and old alike. There are workshops and concerts for children, performances by schools of dance and charity draws. Booths serve up speciality foods such as delicious “Campagnola” calamari. There are evenings of music, ballroom dancing and cabaret entertainment.
The cathedral choir sings during the church service. The celebrations are organised by the Committee of the Hamlet of Campagnola.


Kite festival

Sella Sant’Agnese

Ascension Day is celebrated with a Kite Festival. This is one of the most important days on the calendar for the community of Gemona, which has traditionally spent Ascension Day outdoors on the meadows of Sella Sant’Agnese since the Middle Ages. An ancient document in the Registry of Diplomacy of the Citizenry reports such celebrations taking place in the year 1371. Since 1998 the event has been organised by the Coordinators of the Cultural and Social Volunteer Associations of Gemona, as part of an initiative known as “I Colori del Vento”, “the colours of the wind”. The day features food and beverage stands, stands set up by local associations, and a kite-making workshop held by the Gemona AGESCI Scout troop.

Saint Peter's Day


A traditional village fair is held in the Gemona hamlet of San Pietro. The programme of events includes the “Pedalin par Glemone”, an ecological non-competitive cycling event among the hamlets of Gemona, stopping for refreshments at Silans Fountain in Godo. There are, of course, food and beverage stands, a charity draw, traditional games, music and dancing and a “youth evening”.
The event is organised by the Committee of Celebrations of the Hamlet of San Pietro.


Feast of san Jacu in Taviele


This traditional festival, one of many events organised each year, includes sporting tournaments, Burraco tournaments and musical events for children, with traditional games and entertainment. Plenty of culinary specialities are served up: from cjarsons to gilthead bream baked in foil, from crumbly “frico” to gnocchi made with ricotta and spinach. And, of course, a Holy Mass. The event is organised by the  hamlet of Borc Taviele Association.

Sagre de Madone da Pas


The hamlet of Vegliato-Stalis hosts a traditional village festival in a beautiful natural setting. Key events include a children’s day with entertainment, sporting events such as a football tournament, mountain biking competitions, music and dancing in the evenings, a charity draw featuring traditional handicrafts and plenty of food and beverage stands. The event is organised by the Sports and Recreation Association of Stalis di Gemona (A.S.eR.)

Festival of Saint Anna


The  hamlet of Maniaglia hosts a traditional festival featuring evenings of music and dancing, a sports car exhibition, a draw and a non-competitive ping-pong tournament. There are plenty of stands, including many serving food and wine. The programme includes a mass dedicated to Saint Anne. The event is organised by the Committee of the Hamlet of Maniaglia.


Fesrtival of Saint Roche

Borgo del Ponte

Borgo del Ponte, next to the Chapel of San Rocco, provides the setting for an annual event featuring evenings of ethnic music and traditional Friulian singing and dancing, as well as jazz, blues, folk, country, and other musical genres. The festival is also known as Saint Rock! Every evening, stands serve up culinary specialities from all over the world. On August 15 they serve the famous San Rocco shrimp, and a traditional game of tombola is played. Traditional events include the “Ancient Game of Pilote”.
The event is organised by the Committee of the Neighbourhoods of the Historic Town Centre.

Blue Night


First held in 2009, this charity event includes an evening of music, fun and good food from the gastronomic stands. The key colour is, of course, blue!
The event is organised by Godo Social and Cultural Centre.


Festival of the Blessed Virgin of Health


This traditional village festival held in the hamlet of Maniaglia includes the annual “A tor par Glemone cul trator”, a procession of tractors of all kinds, from historic to modern, parading along the streets of Gemona. Then there are evenings of music and entertainment for children and adults alike. Stands serve up autumn dishes such as frico, gnocchi and wild boar with polenta, as well as vin brulé and chestnuts.
The celebrations are organised by the hamlet of Maniaglia


Fieste di Sante Lussie (Feast of Saint Lucy)

Borgata di Piovega

When the Christmas spirit comes to town, it’s time for the traditional Saint Lucy’s Day celebrations. Events include theatrical performances, a chess tournament, an orienteering course, films in the Friulian language, and entertainment for children. Booths at this traditional festival serve up traditional winter dishes, and the Cjaminade di Sante Lussie is held, a traditional market and fair, with a tombola and Holy Mass. The event is organised by the Borc di Plovie Association.